MYLAPS is now a Carbon Neutral company

We are excited to share a significant milestone with you: MYLAPS is now a carbon neutral company!

  • active
  • carbon neutral
  • motorsport
  • responsibility

We have taken decisive steps to minimize our environmental impact and contribute to a sustainable future.

We started measuring our carbon emissions on a yearly basis and set targets for reducing our carbon footprint. In addition to this, we compensate for excess CO2 emissions through the Kantigan Mentaya Project, a reforestation project in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Our goal is to reach zero emissions by 2050, as stated in the Paris Agreement.


As our valued customers, you can continue to rely on our high-quality products and services while knowing that your partnership with MYLAPS supports an eco-conscious business. We are passionate about durability and product innovation, which lie at the core of our product development.

BibTag System

Our ThinTags, BibTag mats, and EasyMats are designed to be durable and compact, reducing waste and shipment space, positively impacting carbon emissions during transport. In line with our commitment to the environment, our disposable products are crafted from natural degradable materials, including our patented sponge foam and glue.

ProChip System

The ProChips are reusable and resilient, allowing event organizers to reduce waste by using owned chips or encouraging athletes to bring their own. The ProChip Smart Decoder is smaller, is more energy efficient and has a lead-free battery.


In Motorsports, our transponders are built to last and can be used for many years. Subscription based transponders can be re-used by other drivers. We also develop transponders specifically for electric vehicles. More than 95% of our packaging is paper based, further supporting our eco-conscious approach.

Our solutions are designed to withstand the test of time and endure various weather conditions, ensuring long-term use and reducing waste.

Click here to learn more about our ongoing efforts to contribute to a better world.