Cronometraje para triatlón

Nuestros sistemas de cronometraje ofrecen resultados precisos y fiables en todos los segmentos del triatlón, desde la natación hasta la bicicleta y la carrera a pie.


Tiempo de triatlón para carreras y eventos

Sistema de cronometraje para triatlón y multideporte

El cronometraje de triatlón y multideporte es muy exigente, con múltiples disciplinas y puntos de división que requieren resultados precisos.Los eventos suelen atraer a miles de participantes, mientras que los triatletas profesionales alcanzan altas velocidades que exigen una precisión de 1/1000 de segundo. En condiciones tan exigentes, los cronometradores necesitan un sistema en el que puedan confiar plenamente.

  • Alta precisión de velocidad
  • Adecuado para múltiples disciplinas
  • Tanto ProChip como BibTag disponibles

Contacta con nosotros para el cronometraje de triatlón


Configuración del sistema

Configuración del sistema de cronometraje para Triatlón

Cuando se trata de triatlones, las zonas de transición son puntos de interés a los que hay que prestar especial atención. Las zonas de transición son lugares perfectos para instalar un punto de cronometraje intermedio. Echa un vistazo a nuestras diferentes configuraciones del sistema:
    ProChip Setup

    ProChip FLEX or Timer (Go)

    Athletes wear the ProChip on their ankle, which sends a unique signal that is captured by the loop and sent to the decoder. The personal ProChip FLEX provides personal results on Sporthive, while ProChip Timer is ideal for bulk management.

    • Timing Resolution: 0.003 sec
    • Housing: Water- and shockproof
    ProChip Setup

    ProChip Smart Decoder

    The decoder connects to the detection loop, converting transponder signals into athlete IDs with accurate timing. Compact and portable, it offers easy setup, intuitive operation, GPS sync, and Ethernet connectivity for smooth integration.

    • Feature: Highly accurate GPS synchronization
    • Connectivity: Ethernet
    ProChip Setup

    Detection Loop

    Detection loops, acting as antennas, are installed at start, finish, and intermediate points to detect ProChip signals and ensure accurate timing.

    Their ease-of-use allows installation on almost any surface—such as asphalt, dirt, or grass—making them ideal for various sports and events.

    • Installation: Asphalt/concrete, Ice, Snow, Sand
    • Length: Available from 6M to 16M
    ProChip Setup

    ProChip Mat

    The ProChip Mat enables ultra-fast setup with its rollable design, deploying in seconds with no manual loop handling required. Its quick 1-minute setup minimizes road closures before and after the race.

    • Mat length: Rolled out: 6 Meters
    • Design: Thin design for safe passing of athletes
    ProChip Setup

    Timing & Scoring Software

    Timing & Scoring is tailored for running and triathlon events, supporting multiple starts, splits, races, and courses in one event with robust diagnostics. User-friendly, it enables both professionals and amateurs to time races and publish reliable results effortlessly.

    • Features: Create multiple starts, splits, races and courses in a single event
    • Accessibility: Easy to use
    BibTag Setup

    MultiSports Tag

    The MultiSports Tag, optimized for triathlons and mud runs, works seamlessly with the MYLAPS BibTag system. With three integrated tags, it ensures reliable results even under a wetsuit.

    Available in disposable and reusable versions, the reusable tags are durable, washable, and ideal for repeated use. Both options offer the same reliable performance.

    • Options: Reusable and Disposable tags
    • Accuracy: 0.01 sec
    BibTag Setup

    BibTag Smart Decoder

    The BibTag Smart Decoder is a compact, high-performance device with over 99.8% detection accuracy, a removable battery for up to 10 hours of operation, and Wi-Fi, Ethernet, and GPS connectivity. It offers easy navigation, advanced diagnostics, and is fully compatible with the BibTag portfolio.

    • Design: Lightweight – only 7.2 kg/ 15.9 lbs
    • Battery life: 10 hours with the internal and removable batteries
    BibTag Setup

    BibTag Mat

    A flexible, easy-to-use solution for UHF-based timing. The modular design is supporting up to 8 mats (8m). The antennas are well-protected against sand, moisture, and dust. With a low-profile, anti-slip design, the mats are both durable and safe.

    • Antennas: Sport optimized antennas (1 per mat)
    • Design: Modular, expandable from 1 to 8 meters with one BibTag system
    BibTag Setup


    The EasyMat ensures rapid setup, deploying in seconds with integrated cabling and no manual handling. Compatible with MYLAPS BibTag and ProChip systems, its flat design ensures safe use across multiple sports.

    • Options: 4 meters and 6 meters mat
    • Antennas: Cabling integrated in the mat
    BibTag Setup

    Timing Software

    Timing & Scoring is tailored for running and triathlon events, supporting multiple starts, splits, races, and courses in one event with robust diagnostics. User-friendly, it enables both professionals and amateurs to time races and publish reliable results effortlessly.

    • Features: Create multiple starts, splits, races and courses in a single event
    • Accessibility: Easy to use
    BibTag Setup


    Enhance your event with live tracking and branded in-app features like training plans to boost sponsor visibility. The LiveTracking module lets friends and family follow athletes in real time, tracking up to 25 participants simultaneously.

    • Feature: Live Tracking and Rankings
    • Feature: Sponsor value and fan engagement
ProChip o BibTag

Compare timing systems


Sistema ProChip

El sistema ProChip ofrece una precisión de 1/1000 de segundo, alcanza velocidades de hasta 75 km/h y es perfecto para triatlones (profesionales).

BibTag System

El BibTag es perfecto para eventos masivos de triatlón, con etiquetas multideporte desechables o reutilizables y un rendimiento fiable en cualquier clima o terreno.

Perfect for Carreras (profesionales), donde se requiere una gran precisión Mass triathlon events
Our pick because High accuracy and athlete identification Low cost tags and 99.8% high density detection rate
Accuracy 0.003 sec 0.01 sec
Max. Speed 75 kmh 40 kmh
Type chip or tag Transpondedor ProChip (temporizador) reutilizable y duradero MultiSportsTag reutilizable o desechable
Detection Lazo de detección o alfombrilla ProChip EasyMat or BibTag Mat

Impacto medioambiental

En MYLAPS, priorizamos minimizar nuestro impacto medioambiental a través de la innovación constante. Desde 2022, MYLAPS se ha convertido en una empresa neutra en carbono. Nuestro desarrollo de productos se centra en la durabilidad, lo que permite que nuestros productos se utilicen durante períodos prolongados en cualquier clima.Los ProChips son reutilizables y resistentes, lo que permite a los organizadores de eventos reducir los residuos mediante el uso de chips propios o alentando a los atletas a traer los suyos. El decodificador inteligente ProChip es más pequeño, consume menos energía y utiliza pilas sin plomo.Nuestra Responsabilidad

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