Timing voor paardenrennen

Het nauwkeurige timingsysteem voor paardenrennen, dat een uitstekende oplossing biedt voor renbanen en trainingsfaciliteiten.

Timing Paardenrennen

Timing-systeem voor trainings- en renbanen

Timing bij paardenrennen is een grote uitdaging, met renpaarden die snelheden tot 75 km/u bereiken en hoge belangen die afhangen van nauwkeurige resultaten.In zulke veeleisende omstandigheden hebben evenementen, clubs en tijdwaarnemers een systeem nodig waarop ze kunnen vertrouwen. Het X2 ProChip-systeem levert nauwkeurige timing bij hoge snelheden en uitzonderlijke betrouwbaarheid, zelfs in lawaaierige race- en trainingsomgevingen.

  • hoge snelheidsnauwkeurigheid
  • hoge detectievelden en betrouwbaarheid
  • ProChip Plus Go


Ontdek de ultieme systeemopstelling voor paardenrennen

Ontdek de aanbevolen X2 ProChip timing systeemopstelling. Het is ontworpen voor eenvoudig gebruik en betrouwbare prestaties, perfect voor het timen van paarden.

    How it works

    ProChip Plus Go

    Lightweight transponder that transmits a unique signal to the detection loop embedded in the track, ensuring accurate identification and precise timing as thoroughbreds cross the start, finish, and intermediate lines.

    • Dimensions / weight: 68 x 18 x 42 mm / 45 g
    • Accuracy: 0.003 sec
    How it works

    Detection loop

    Detection loops, acting as antennas, are installed at start, finish, and intermediate points to detect ProChip signals and ensure accurate timing.

    Their versatility allows installation on almost any surface—such as asphalt, dirt, or grass—making them ideal for various sports and events.

    • Installation: Asphalt/concrete, Ice, Snow, Sand
    • Length: Available from 6M to 16M
    How it works

    X2 ProChip Decoder & Booster

    The X2 ProChip Decoder & Booster is a compact, affordable timing system setup for track use, precisely recording transponder times and boosting loop signals for reliable detection of ProChip Plus Go transponders.

    • Track width: 2-16m / 10-52ft
    • Clock sync: Via GPS receiver to UTC
    How it works

    X2 Server

    The X2 Server connects and controls all system components, syncing with the X2 Cloud and automatically uploads practice results to Speedhive.

    • Top feature: Built-in practice mode for automatic practice results uploads to Speedhive
    How it works

    RaceLink Club & BaseLink

    The BaseLink transmits radio signals to X2 RaceLink antennas on vehicles, ensuring optimal connection at the start/finish line. With the RaceLink add-on, racers receive 2-way communication and live data displayed on onboard screens, compatible with MYLAPS X2 Direct Power Transponders.

    • Feature: Allows for live tracking & speed
    How it works

    Finish line camera system integration

    Integrate with the transponder timing solution using your current software. We can easily add sector times to your existing finish line camera system.

    • Feature: Analyze training sector times instantly
    • Feature: Export data to external database


Trusted partner of:

Environmental Impact

At MYLAPS, we prioritize minimizing our environmental impact through constant innovation. Since 2022, MYLAPS has become a carbon neutral company. Our product development focuses on durability, enabling our products to be used for extended periods in any weather.

The ProChips are reusable and resilient, allowing event organizers to reduce waste by using owned chips or encouraging athletes to bring their own. The ProChip Smart Decoder is smaller, more energy-efficient, and uses lead-free batteries.

Our Responsibility